Money Mindset Masterclass

Click here to get the masterclass for only $37 AUD

Are you scratching your head trying to figure out this money mindset stuff, you know you need to improve, but don't know where to start or how to do it…

  • Do you have an anxious attitude towards money?
  • Are you making money decisions based on fear or a lack of confidence?
  • Even though you know you have some money beliefs that don’t work for you, you're unable to progress forward on your own
  • You have no idea where to start or how to go about changing your relationship with money
  • You’re overtaken with scarcity mindset
  • You make money but you never seem to feel like there is enough

If this sounds like you.... the good news is, this Money Mindset Masterclass, that teaches you a simple 3 step framework, is the solution to these problems. 

Sign me up!

Why should you consider doing the Masterclass?

Simplicity & Ease

A simple 3 step framework: Knowing where to start, what to do and having a process to follow is a game-changer.

Compounding Impact

Your money mindset affects the quality of your life, your relationships, your time freedom and your well-being.
If you had a positive relationship with money.....

Just imagine for a second the impact that would have on your whole life. Your relationship with others, your health and well-being, your quality of life and joy factor.

Breakthrough Scarcity Mindset

Learn how to break the cycle of feeling like you never have enough money no matter how much you earn.

Practical & Achievable 

Having a great relationship with money is a learnable skill. You can be intentional and at peace with money at any income level.

You don't have to fumble through trying to figure this out on your own.


Join the money mindset masterclass:

To learn uncommon money wisdom, that will help you build an amazing relationship with money, no matter what your income level is, so you can stop worrying about it, earn more and enjoy it.

Yes please, sign me up!

Anna Wallner

When I did the masterclass I realised I was afraid of money. I avoided it.
Now after the class, I love my money. I want to spend more time with it. I stopped hiding from it and started looking at it.
I saved money straight away because I was spending on subscriptions I didn't need or want.
Now it's fun to take care of my money. My money is flowing where I want it to go intentionally, which has been such a relief.

Dien Luu

Meaghan’s masterclass got me to look at my money beliefs. I had some limiting beliefs about money that I was not even aware of.

I highly recommend her step by step approach on how to have a better relationship with money.

If you want to reach you money goals, Meaghan is the person to go to. Her course is so much fun!

Justine Cochrane

Meaghan's masterclass was amazing! It gave the perfect mix of mindset and practical applications.

She was able to pinpoint limiting beliefs, and provide space to create solutions to overcome them.

I would highly recommend Meaghan to anyone looking to uplevel their relationship with money, she's the best!

In this masterclass you will learn:

Step 1


How to uncover your unconscious behaviours and beliefs about money.

Step 2


Discover how to gently move on from old money patterns and let go of your conditioning.

Step 3 


How to intentionally THINK, FEEL, and ACT with money in alignment with your unique life and values so you can finally move the needle on your dreams & goals.



Having a negative relationship with money is so yesterday 

You don’t have to feel stressed and worried about money. 

Money doesn’t need to be a source of overwhelm, anxiety, shame or guilt. 


Click here to transform your money mindset

Here’s a taste of what you will get inside the masterclass:

Step 1


  • Complete framework overview and application so that you can apply this framework again and again to any money mindset challenge you discover.
  • 2 breakthrough exercises to uncover your unconscious behaviours and beliefs about money.
  • Comprehensive workbook included so that you can quickly reference and apply the 3 steps whenever you need them as your relationship with money changes and evolves.

Step 2


  • How to declutter your money mindset.
  • In a safe, gentle and non-judgemental way you will learn multiple strategies to heal & let go of old money patterns.

Step 3 


  • Learn how to draw on all your currencies- create your version of wealth that takes into account your physical, spiritual, mental and financial capital.
  • You are an active participant in your life.  
  • You do the inner work and take action to to uncap your money potential and live a PRICELESS life. 


12 months  ACCESS & SUPPORT

  • 12 months access to the recording so you can revisit the training as many times as you need at you own pace.

  • Free access to all the live rounds of the Masterclass held during the 12 months at no extra cost to you.

(Next live round is WEDNESDAY 19 JUNE 2024)

This is for you if:

  • Money causes any stress, worry, guilt or overwhelm in your life or business
  • You avoid money and feel disconnected from it
  • You live in scarcity- even though you have a decent income you never feel like there is enough
  • You want to be able to spend money without freaking out or feeling guilty
  • The way you make money burns you out or no matter how much you make you can’t seem to reach the illusive 'enough amount' because the goal post keeps moving.
  • You don’t want to ‘do’ money the way taught by some pale stale male you can’t relate to
  • You don’t trust money.
  • You are ready to do the inner work to uncap your money potential and live a priceless life!


I’m a Money Mindset Specialist, Certified Life Coach & Host of the Money Mindful Podcast.
I haven't always had a great relationship with money. I learned most of the traditional wealth creating skills, such as investing, out of fear of not having enough.  Despite being 'good with money' I still always felt worried and stressed about it.  Contrary to popular belief, you can have money and still have a terrible relationship with it. 

It wasn't until I discovered this 3 step framework, that I started to feel at peace with money and stopped thinking about it all the time.  

It was actually quite simple to change my relationship with money once I started implementing the 3 steps.  This has had a huge impact on not only my net worth but also my self worth and well-being.

Money can be the trigger for so much worry, stress, shame or guilt and it doesn't have to be that way. This is why I am so passionate about supporting you to have a positive relationship with money.

Unless you're a total money mindset nerd like me, you are probably not aware of how simple transforming your money mindset can be and what a huge impact it can have on your life.

I can’t wait to help you transform your relationship with money.

I'm ready for my positive relationship with money to start now!

Elizabeth / 1:1 Client 

Having Meaghan in my corner as I worked on my relationship with money and becoming my own boss was truly eye-opening and inspiring.

Before working with her, I had a very anxious attitude towards money and couldn't identify as a strong businesswoman.

I felt so inadequate, not enough, and mostly I felt in scarcity.

Today… I feel much more deserving, more confident, and much less fearful and stressed about money.

Mia Carter / Masterclass participant

I couldn’t see I was blocking more money coming into my business because I was so resistant to paying for something I could manually do myself. 

Meaghan helped me realise how many DAYS not hours I was doing something I hated! It was draining my energy and taking precious time away from other money making activities I could be doing.

I decided to invest in accounting software and it has seriously been a game changer.

You CAN change your relationship with money

Join the Masterclass now to learn how to transform your money mindset, no matter what your income level is, so you can stop worrying about it, earn more and enjoy it.

Get the Masterclass today for only $37 AUD!