Money Mindful  


The Money Mindful podcast will help you transform your relationship with money and yourself. You can expect to learn about money mindset, how to make your goals as good as done, mental fitness, and self-love.

Hi there! I’m your host Meaghan Jean Smith; a Money Mindset and Certified Life Coach. I help women transform their relationship to money and achieve their money & life goals so they can life a glorious, magnificent, delicious, awesome life.

Tune in to up-level your money mindset, let go of your limiting beliefs about money & yourself and create a life you love.

Listen to the latest Money Mindful  podcast episodes 

145 What's Your Money Language? Oct 18, 2022

We don’t all speak the same language when it comes to money.

However, money speaks to us in various levels and volumes.

Whether it’s security or love, you just need to listen to what...

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144 When progress feels slow Oct 11, 2022

We’ve all been there, we all know that feeling. This is a common thing.

When progress feels slow.

It can be a really hard feeling to push through, yeah?

That feeling of slow progress largely...

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143 5 money goal lessons learned from my running coach Oct 04, 2022

I love running, it does wonders for not only my physical health, but also my mental health.

I’ve started to notice there’s some learnings we can take from running and exercise, and...

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142 Why not you? Sep 27, 2022

We all have big dreams, right? Whether it’s in your business or personal life, big, juicy, delicious dreams.

And despite the fact we can’t stop thinking about them, dreaming and...

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141 Challenges faced on my money journey Sep 20, 2022

The most obvious way to bring more money into your life is through starting a business, right?

But reaching for those big, bold, delicious goals brings with it a whole new set of challenges.


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140 The 3-step process to build an amazing relationship with money Sep 13, 2022

Money can be really triggering for so many people and it doesn’t have to be that way. 

When we don’t have a good relationship with money, it can have a really negative effect on...

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139 How to stay on track to achieve your money and life goals Sep 06, 2022

When you are working on your goals, it’s so easy to get distracted, busy or side tracked with your everyday life. 

Wouldn’t you agree?

I’d love to share a super easy tip...

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138 If you want more wealth and abundance don't ever say this again Aug 30, 2022

Words are powerful and they matter.

If you ever find yourself saying ‘I can’t afford it’ this episode is for you.

In this episode you will learn:

  • Why you should never say I...
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137 No one is talking about these two things you need to make money Aug 23, 2022

When it comes to making money, there are 2 things you need that you might not be aware of.

I see both of them talked about but I rarely see them discussed together.

If you want to change your...

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136 A common obstacle to achieving your money and life goals and what you can do about it Aug 16, 2022

 A common obstacle that becomes more obvious and shows up when you are going for your money goals is money blocks.

It doesn’t matter what your income is or how well you manage your...

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135 10 exercises to build an abundant mindset Aug 09, 2022


Do you need some practical help to develop an abundant mindset?

Get my top 10 most practical & powerful exercises to rapidly shift you out of scarcity mindset.

If you often find...

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134 Self-trust and money Aug 02, 2022


Do you ever find yourself in indecision?

You have an idea or something you want to do but no one else understands. 

Or maybe you doubt yourself or think your idea might be silly.


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