Money Mindful  


The Money Mindful podcast will help you transform your relationship with money and yourself. You can expect to learn about money mindset, how to make your goals as good as done, mental fitness, and self-love.

Hi there! I’m your host Meaghan Jean Smith; a Money Mindset and Certified Life Coach. I help women transform their relationship to money and achieve their money & life goals so they can life a glorious, magnificent, delicious, awesome life.

Tune in to up-level your money mindset, let go of your limiting beliefs about money & yourself and create a life you love.

Listen to the latest Money Mindful  podcast episodes 

133 How to reduce your debt faster Jul 26, 2022


If debt causes you to feel anxiety, stress or worry. Let me give you some comfort. You are not alone. However, there is another way. Tune in, to learn 6 steps to reduce your debt faster and...

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132 How to take the stress out of managing your money Jul 19, 2022

 Do you find financial admin a burden? Is it stressful for you or does it take up a lot of your time? The problem is, when it comes to managing your money, many people find it complex and...

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131 The 4 pillars to creating the money & life you really want Jul 12, 2022

 If you’re not creating the money and life that you want it might be because you are missing one of the 4 pillars to achieving your money & life goals.

On this episode I am taking a...

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130 How to make a living doing what you love Jul 05, 2022


If you’re not living a life you love, this episode is for you.

Tune in to find out why you aren’t taking action on your dream goals. Discover what the major obstacles are to...

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